What is dropshipping?

For the new and early entrepreneur opening his/her own new online/retail business, it’s impossible to spend lakhs of rupees upfront on operational and manufacturing setup. Apart from the huge material & technical investment, there’s also the hassle of rental spaces, handling labour and operational management. For such startups, dropshipping is the ideal way to process orders - where the manufacturing, operations and logistics are optimally taken care of by the dropshipper. Also, it has very low barriers to entry and you can run the business with just the laptop! Such retail entrepreneurs can focus 100% of their efforts on building their brand and getting customers, while PrinDrop will take care of all their operational work in the most optimal costing possible.

Why should I choose PrinDrop?


The apparel market is super-competitive - and while there’s a lot of demand, the reality is that it’s going to be tough to survive if a business is not able to optimize quality merchandise at the best cost. PrinDrop has extensive experience and expert supplier connections in India that allows them to ensure that they can provide supreme quality merchandise at the best possible market rate. You can order your sample here to check for the same. Your sample charges will be auto-credited to your wallet balance once you place your 10th order with us. PrinDrop currently uses Epson DTG printers - which provides fresh, vibrant prints which is a proven winner with customers. Our processes are streamlined to offer the best printing price for our clients.


TAs an entrepreneur, once you’ve started dropshipping and processing orders - the reality is that you still need to allocate a few hours of your precious time everyday - to FOLLOW UP on order processing - because there’s many events that happen in an order that usually require your supervision or intervention as a business owner. A few example cases: Your customer might want to change his address or tshirt size or color after placing the order You might want to issue a replacement to an aggrieved customer. You might want to reship a particular design tshirt that was COD-return to a new order. For this and many more daily headaches, PrinDrop has automated solutions that takes the burden off you and solves seamlessly.